Saturday, July 6, 2013

Seattle International Beerfest 2013 Day 1

Day 1 proved to be an excellent kickoff to the beerfest.  Our professional beer drinker status was secured when we were able to  taste beers for 5 1/2 hours and still left the festival on our feet and relatively sober.

List of beers from day 1:
Bainbridge Hoptopus - ok
Pike Space Needle anniversary IPa - excellent hop flavor and aroma
Chickanut Rauch Bier - subtle smokiness
Pike XXXXX Stout
De Garre Tripel - strong.
Sound brewery Monk's Indiscretion - a little fruit and a bit of hops,  this is best so far
Rueben's Brew Imperial Rye IPA
Silver City Whoop Pass - alright,  lots of hop aroma but missing in malts
Uinta brewery Hop Notch IPA - alright
Green Flash Le Freak
Boneyard Hop Venom - refreshingly good
Big Al Brewery Big Bertha
Old Lompoc Old Tavern Rat - meh